Graphic design

In Spring 2025, I decided to enrol in the Graphic Design Certificate Program offered by Rhode Island School of Design Continuing Education (RISD CE).

This course is intended for adults who are interested in exploring a new career path or life pursuit, expanding their current career, or starting their own business.

I don't have any previous knowledge in graphic design, therefore, I would like to explore a new career path. After doing a lot of research, I decided to enroll in this program offered by RISD CE.

On this website I will keep track of the progress I make while studying.

It usually takes 2 - 3 years to earn a certificate.

There are two types of courses in the program. It begins with Level I: Core, which involves studying the fundamental skills of drawing, design, color theory, digital technology, and other techniques (7 courses).

This is followed by Level II: Concentration, which involves studying specific discipline such as graphic design (12 courses).